popup lists
I would like to refresh my popup lists for the fields in the "infos" mask because there are faults or old stuff I don't need anymore. how to proceed? is it even possible to delete specific indications?
I would like to refresh my popup lists for the fields in the "infos" mask because there are faults or old stuff I don't need anymore. how to proceed? is it even possible to delete specific indications?
rewathanks for an answer on this!
bwiernikI’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do? Could you explain in more detail?
rewait is about the mask on e fills out when creating or modifying a notice: some fields, like "author", "editor", "archive", have popup-lists that complete themselves automatically as you enter names. now I would like to correct these lists because there are old or badly spelled names in it.
bwiernikThere is no way to manually edit the suggestion lists, but they should automatically remove entries if all of the instances of them are removed from your database.
adamsmithemptying your trash might help?