export as txt file

Hi, I need to export the citation information that I have on the desktop standalone into a txt file. It is not one of the default options. Is there a plug-in or workaround that might work?
  • What is this for more specifically? txt is just a file format ("plain text"), it doesn't correspond to any way of exporting citation metadata. Several of the formats that Zotero exports are plain text (e.g. RIS or BibTeX).
  • I need to upload the citation information into a home-built system I am using. The system can only upload and read .txt files. I have tried .ris and .bib but they are not formatted correctly for this program.
  • edited July 27, 2018
    Again, a "text file" isn't a specific data format. You'll have to figure out the actual bibliographic exchange formats that the system you're using supports. If it doesn't support standard bibliographic formats, you'll need to write code to convert from one of the many formats Zotero can export (which includes generic CSV).
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