I am using the Zotero connector through Chrome to export citation links from Google Scholar (logged in through my institution) into Zotero. I keep receiving this message:

"403. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to get URL /scholar.enw?q=info:OEvnqrSIlNAJ:scholar.google.com/&output=citation&scisig=AAGBfm0AAAAAW1alXio44cXprKwAxFTxa2qNhE3dLuhR&scisf=3&ct=citation&cd=0&hl=en from this server."

I have received the same error message through Safari and Firefox and also through Chrome when using incognito mode. This has also happened after clearing my cache and cookies.

Please advise - thanks.
  • This means Google is blocking you. You can try accessing it not through your proxy to start (and clearing the proxy entry for GS in the Zotero Connector preferences if it’s automatically redirecting).
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