Duplicates in Bibliographies (again!)

I’ve had considerable previous forum discussion about of duplicates in bibliographies.

Though I've been grateful for forum advice and am now making progress, an important central issue has arisen.

It is now clear that many duplicate problems are caused by citations which produce a field code without a reference. But even after I have deleted and reinserted to ensure that all citations match references with the correct field code, I still have a small number of unexplained duplicates remaining in the bibliography.

So I then permanently delete that reference and reinsert from the journal article or whatever using ‘Save to Zotero’ and Word plug in.

But this doesn’t always work. How can I get rid of these remaining bibliography duplicates and what’s causing them to appear in the bibliography? Any advice please?
  • (previous discussion here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/298696/#Comment_298696 though this one should stay in it's own thread).

    Are you using Show field codes to identify field codes without references?
  • Thanks for getting back. My routine is standard.

    Following your previous advice - for which I'm grateful - I always use Alt/F9 to find field codes and then copy these into 'All Fields and Tags.' If the field code doesn't produce a reference, in Alt/F9 I then delete the citation and reinsert, checking that the field code works. But after all citations/references have working field codes - and there are no field codes which don't produce a reference - I still have some duplicates in references.
  • Any chance that you have duplicates in Zotero? In which case, Merge them and refresh.
  • I've taken your previous advice and checked Zotero for duplicates and there are none. I've also tried copying whole document into new Word file.

    My reason for deleting and reinserting citations is I thought that though the field code worked, the citation/reference itself might in some way be corrupt. The other puzzling feature is that most of my Zotero references are from "Save to Zotero".
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