New Alfred workflow 'ZotHero' makes searching and pasting from Zotero easy. (Mac)

Alfred is a productivity app for Mac which allows users to write 'workflows' to boost productivity. One such user (Deanishe), has written such a workflow called ZotHero. It's fairly amazing for me at least and I use it everyday. You need to download the free version of Alfred and then purchase the Powerpack for £19 (UK). After that ZotHero (and countless other useful workflows) is free. Deanishe doesn't even use Zotero, and did this for the community after an old Zotero workflow ceased working, so buy him a beer or two via the Alfred forums if you can.

The ZotHero Alfred Forum page is here:—-generate-zotero-citations-in-alfred/
and the workflow itself is on github here:

I hope others find this as useful as I do.

ZotHero allows you to:

Rapidly search your Zotero database and copy citations.

Perform full-text search across your Zotero database, including only searching specific fields
Copy citations using any CSL style you have installed in Zotero
Copy citations either in citation/note style or bibliography style
Copy citations in any locale supported by CSL
Citations are copied in multiple formats, so the right data are automatically pasted into the application you're using
Trigger search while you type using the Snippet Trigger (you must assign the snippet keyword yourself in Alfred Preferences)
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