Citation problem - no ibid.

Hi guys,

sorry for my bad english, it's not my first tongue, so I might be making some mistakes.

Recently I installed Zotero and it has literally changed my life. Though I encountered some problems. I am using Word, my computer is macbook air, with sierra operating system.

Usually I cite more sources at once. It is not a problem until I cite them twice, one under the other, with the only change is pages numbers. While I cite only one source, then in second citation again the same one, but with different pages the text changes to "Ibid." but with multiple sources in both citation, even exactly the same, this does not happen. How to make it "Ibid." appear every single time, no matter the amount of sources?

Thank you for your help :)
  • You can't use ibid with multiple sources in a citation and it's strongly discouraged to do so by all style guides I'm aware of, since it's completely unclear what the ibid refers to: all citations, the last one, the first one?
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