Missing right pane showing Information, Notes, Tags and Links tabs

Hi there. This may be a trivial question, but I have not managed to move the pane in the lower bottom part of the screen with the Information, Notes, Tags, Links tabs, to the right pane. In other words, I would like Zotero to open and operate as is shown in the Zotero home page (https://www.zotero.org/) with Libraries on the left, articles and other info in the centre, and the right-pane for the Information, Notes, Tags, Links tabs for the specific article / item? How can I do this?

I am running Zotero 5.0.53-beta.4+99584dc91, on Mac OS 10.13.5.
  • If the information pane is showing on the bottom of the window, switch the layout to Standard instead of Stacked in the Zotero General preferences pane.

    If the pane is missing altogether, it is just collapsed. Drag it from the right side of the window to restore it or just restart Zotero.
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