Title Capitalization in APA Style

edited June 28, 2018
Hey, there.

It appears to me that some titles are not being properly converted to Title Case when using the APA 6th Edition citation style in Zotero. This specifically came up with regard to a TV series that I referenced in the final paper for a research class required as part of my work towards an Master's in Social Work.

The basic data in Zotero is as follows:
Item Type: TV Broadcast
Title: Big love
Producer: Olsen, Mark V.
Producer: Scheffer, Will
Contributor: Paxton, Bill
Contributor: Tripplehorn, Jeanne
Contributor: Sevigny, Chloé
Scriptwriter: Olsen, Mark V.
Scriptwriter: Scheffer, Will
Place: Hollywood, CA
Date: 2006-2011
URL: https://www.hbo.com/big-love
Library Catalog: www.imdb.com
Extra: IMDb ID: tt0421030

The citation produced by this is as follows:
(“Big love,” 2006)

However, if I'm reading the capitalization rules outlined in the APA blog post at http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/03/how-to-capitalize-and-format-reference-titles-in-apa-style.html correctly, I think it should at least be as follows:
("Big Love", 2006)

The bibliography produced by this is as follows:
Big love. (2006, 2011). Hollywood, CA: Home Box Office. Retrieved from https://www.hbo.com/big-love

I understand that there isn't a "TV *Series*" option and I wasn't able to easily find guidance from APA on how to cite a TV series, but based on the instructions on how to cite a single episode in § 7.07.51 on page 210 of the Publication Manual (and https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/11/ although that's not canonical) that the above should output the following bibliography:
Olsen, M.V. & Scheffer, W. (Writer). (2006 - 2011). In Olsen, M.V. & Scheffer, W. (Executive Producer). Big love. Hollywood, CA: Home Box Office

This makes me think that the citation should be as follows:
(Olsen, M.V. & Scheffer, W., 2006-2011)

Thanks for all you do.

- Ian
  • You are mistaken about Title Case for TV episodes. In almost all cases, APA uses Sentence case for titles. Look at the examples for audiovisual materials in the style manual (section 7.07), they are all in Sentence case. Zotero is treating titles correctly here.

    Regarding citing the producers, Zotero/CSL don’t currently properly support all of the myriad of creator roles that APA wants labeled for audiovisual items. This is planned to be addressed in a future version. In the mean time, you can get correct formatting by entering them as Director and then putting (Producer) after the authors’ first names.

    Finally, if you want to cite the full date range for the series, enter it in Extra like this:
    Issued: 2006/2011
  • Thanks for the information about how to make the television series work.

    I'm a bit confused about the capitalization of titles for in-text citations when no author can be found. Section 6.15 has the only examples that I could find of this specific situation, and both of those use Title Case.

    I certainly agree that APA uses Sentence case for titles in references and that there are ample examples of this in Sections 6 and 7.
  • edited July 7, 2018
    The casing rules don’t change for in-text Citations of titles versus in the bibliography.
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