Bibliography - website with date and time

i think i am not the only one but i did not find other discussions.

I have to add date and time for websites in the bibliography but I found only the date-element.
Is it possible anyway?

When it is not possible do you have a workaround?

  • The CSL citation style language that Zotero uses to format citations doesn’t support timestamps. However, if you Enter the access date/time in quotes into Extra like this, it will be inserted as a literal string into references:
    Accessed: "April 10, 2018 10:23:36"

    You will need to ensure the accessed date is entered exactly as you want it to appear.
  • Ok, so I have to edit all entries when I want to use the extra-field?
    I wanted to simplify it little bit more.

    Do you know if you can do a pull request to CSL for getting a timestamp?
  • The first step for getting this into CSL would be to establish that there's a reasonably widespread need for this, ideally by pointing to established styleguides that require this. Why do you need the time in access dates?
  • It is a requirement of my university. I need the timestamp and a screenshot.
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