CSL fields: parts of an article

Hello everybody,
My bibliography contains articles which are continued on several issues of the same newspaper, and I am looking for the most sensible way to display that in Zotero. Basically, the idea is to find an equivalent to the CSL fields “volume” and “number-of-volumes”. I considered adding in the Extra field something like:
and having a custom style display these as needed.
Does anyone have a better solution? (using the existing CSL field “number” could be an option as well, I would only need to add a “total-number”)
Thanks for your suggestions!
  • edited June 25, 2018
    How exactly do you want the references for these to be formatted? (Please give complete, real examples.)
  • Something like:
    C. Ommer, « Altruismus » (2/6), Die Welt, V, nᵒ 9, 12 octobre 1895, p. 53
    I used to have "part 2/6" in the Extra field before that.
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