Item MLRIZELA not found

Report ID: 585997276. I'm getting an "error occurred during syncing" message stating that "Item MLRIZELA" is not found in my library. How can I clear this error?
  • Could you provide a Debug ID for a sync attempt that produces this?
  • D1522363618
  • We'll have to look into how this happened, but if you go to your My Library root and paste MLRIZELA into the Zotero search bar in All Fields & Tags mode, you should see the affected attachment item. When was it added? If you make a change to that item (e.g., assigning a tag), does the sync then go through?

    (If you don't see it, check in the Zotero trash.)
  • Item was added June 18. Tried adding a tag to it but sync still failed. Should I just delete that item?
  • You added a tag to the attachment or to the parent? Really any change to the attachment item itself should fix this. But there's no harm in deleting and adding again if you want to fix this quickly.
  • Great, deleted the attachment and sync appears to have worked. Thanks!
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