[Solved] Please help - can't access local attachments anymore!

edited June 22, 2018
Hi all,

I've been using Zotero standalone on one computer only, with linked attachments stored locally (relative directories). After upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and installing Zotero, I have rsynced my whole /home which includes the Zotero folder and - of course - the folder containing all literature. So path- and settings-wise, nothing has changed.

However - Zotero can't find my attachments anymore. I tried purging the Zotero folder and restoring a backed up copy, but it did not make a difference. I have also re-checked that the base directory is set correctly, and it is.

Any suggestions? I have built my collection with ~2k papers in dozens of subfolders, so starting from scratch is not really an option.

  • edited June 22, 2018
    Problem solved. By some mistake, Zotero linked attachment paths, at least the part the comes beyond the base dir, were incorrect. I found this by using Zutilo's 'Show Attachment Path' function (needs to be activated for context menu availability in Zutilo preferences) when right clicking on one of the missing attachments. I then selected every item of my collection and chose Zutilo's 'Modify Attachment Path' function. It took some minutes for Zotero/Zutilo to complete (at least according to Zotero CPU usage), but now everything is in place again.

    Hope this is of help, should anyone face the same situation.
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