zbib is neat! Have a few feature suggestions


zbib is a neat and simple (in a very positive way) tool. I see it has potential to facilitate sharing reference knowledge between scientists/researchers. I have a few suggestions.

Because I am not a coder, I don't know if the suggestions below are technically feasible.

Suggestion #1.
Default Behavior: When I viewing a zbib link sent by colleague and click the 'Edit Bibliography' button, I am prompted to either cancel the edit request or replace my current personal zbib list of references.
The prior zbib list is seemingly lost.
New Behavior Add a third button to merge my colleagues zbib list with my current personal zbib reference list.

Suggestion #2.
Default Behavior: When I viewing a zbib link sent by colleague, click the 'Edit Bibliography' button and then click the button to replace my current personal zbib list of references, I am taken to the default zbib page where I can edit the new zbib list.
Problem The prior zbib list is seemingly lost.
New Behavior After clicking on the 'Edit Bibliography' button and after clicking on the subsequent button to replace my current personal zbib list, add a button to the edit page that will take the user to the previous list of references. Perhaps call this button 'Return to prior list' or something better.

Suggestion #3.
Default Behavior: When I viewing a zbib link sent by colleague, click the 'Edit Bibliography' button and then click the button to replace my current personal zbib list of references, I am taken to the default zbib page where I can edit the new zbib list.
Problem The prior zbib list is seemingly lost.
New Behavior After clicking on the 'Edit Bibliography' button and after clicking on the subsequent button to replace my current personal zbib list, inform the user that they can return to the prior zbib list by clicking on a displayed link.
  • For your use cases where you are trying to do complex collaborations and merging, I really recommend using Zotero (e.g., with a group shared between you and your colleague), rather than ZoteroBib.
  • Thank you bwiernik for the reply. I realized that merging might be a challenge to implement technologically. Thus, I suggested two alternative options that does not require merging (i.e., less complexity).
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