Using different citation styles for in-text-citation and bibliography

Hey guys,

for a working sheet I need to have an in-text-citation like Chicago Manual, e.g.: (Name Year, 123). But for the bibliography I need APA-citation. Is it possible to change the styles for each of the parts or do I have to create a new citation-style that meets the requirements? I haven't found any information on that topic yet.

Best regards
  • The best way would be to just modify the citation style, and that wouldn't be very hard:

    If that's not an option or too much work, but you can work around it if you need to:
    1. Write the document in Chicago Manual without bibliography.
    2. Copy the whole document over to a new one & unlink citations
    3. In the original document, switch to APA and add bibliography
    4. Copy the bibliography over to the new document.
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