Zbib / ZoteroBib not pulling in location + publisher for ISBN book requests

The excellent ZoteroBib service does not, however, include location and publisher for the isbn requests that I have submitted, at least in the examples I have tested.
  • do you have a couple of examples? My guess would be that they're ISBNs where Zotero falls back to Open WorldCat, where they are sometimes missing, but it'd be good to check.
  • I think that you are right, as I’ve been trying with a number of others and very often the publisher+location appear. My apologies for the confusion.
  • We'd still love the example ISBNs -- I'm not happy about this problem but OCLC has effectively said they won't fix it and there just is not alternative to Open Worldcat in breadth of coverage.
  • Yes, here are two that I had tried, both ISBNs:

    * 9780801478949
    * 9780801469602

    Thanks so much.

    Love the service so much—I have been using it relentlessly.
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