Google Scholar Issues... can't save anything

edited June 8, 2018
Whether I click the Zotero button manually or click on Citations to export via Endnote format, Zotero doesn't get anything.

G Scholar throws this:

Your client does not have permission to get URL /scholar.enw? from this server. (Client IP address: […])

Please see Google's Terms of Service posted at

That’s all we know.

Please help!
  • edited June 8, 2018
    Did this occur after you downloaded multiple items from GS? If so Google will limit how many items you can download in a Google-established period of time. You will again be able to download items but only when Google determines "enough" time has elapsed.


    Are you using a VPN? I had to change to a different VPN because Google determined that it was receiving too frequent requests from a limited IP range. I couldn't even download my first item.

    If you are downloading journal metadata, I recommend clicking through to the publisher site and using Zotero to capture the metadata. Publisher-site metadata is almost always more complete and accurate than from GS.

    If you are trying to download metadata from a GS record of a citation instead of from a GS record of the actual item, you should know that these GS records are accomplished by scanning the reference lists of published items. The scan might not be an accurate transfer of what the original reference list contained. The reference list that was the source on the GS citation record may contain errors. Because GS does _not_ vet its citation records for truth, the citation may not be to an actual (real) publication. This last caution happens much more frequently than most of naively like to believe. I recommend doing a Google search on the title of the GS citation record. You may find a full text version (because the GS citation had a minor error with the title). Google searches are somewhat less strict than are GS searches.

    edit to add documentation link
  • Very helpful! Thank you. I will aim to go to the publisher sites more often.

    I'm not using a VPN. I certainly downloaded a few items but not many (say 5-10) words in the past I have saved dozens of records at a time.

    The translator still doesn't seem to be working. I can't use the Save to Zotero button in chrome and get anything to save. It would be good to get this working again in case I need to save several articles at once
  • Other sites work though, right?

    Would you mind saying where in the world you are?

    But just in general:
    G Scholar throws this:

    Your client does not have permission to get URL /scholar.enw? from this server. (Client IP address: […])
    as long as you get this when manually clicking on the Endnote export, there's nothing Zotero can do. You are, for some reason, getting locked out of google scholar. Unfortunately they have virtually no support, so beyond guessing the reason (too many downloads from your IP address, something about your country of origin) and trying to convey to google that you're a different person (clearing cookies&cache and trying to force a new IP address e.g. by restarting your router.)
  • am facing the same problem and it is becoming frustrating
  • Just to re-iterate -- this is a google scholar problem, not a Zotero problem. There is very little Zotero can do about this.
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