Hyphenation in Dictionary Entry MLA-style

edited June 5, 2018

what's up with the hyphenation in citing dictionary entries (MLA-style), both in text and in the reference list?
Whenever I cite a dictionary entry it comes up like this:

In-text: "Therefore, Social Media is also the term of choice in this thesis to describe the entirety of digital technologies and media through which people communicate (cf. ‘So­-cial Me­-dia’)."
Reference list: ‘So­-cial Me­-dia’. Duden Online, https://www.duden.de/node/822718/revisions/1668750/view. Accessed 5 June 2018.

I checked both the latest MLA Handbook and the website, but there are no references to hyphenation. Is this supposed to be like this or only happening to me?

Thank you a lot for explaining this to me (and possibly come up with a solution to get rid of the hyphens as I do not see MLA-style requiring it)!

All the best,
  • edited June 5, 2018
    Can you not get rid of the hyphens directly in Zotero by changing the entry? Maybe this was just wrongly imported where you took it from.
  • This would be great, but directly in Zotero the entry is displayed normally, without hyphenation. Thought about that already. Even deleted the original item and saved it again to Zotero to see if there's some hidden (to me) problems with the original citation, but to no luck.
    Just checked with entries from a different dictionary, which come out fine. So this must be a problem of that particular online dictionary (www.duden.de)...guess I have to manually alter those entries, but never like to do that and it is still weird, isn't it?!
  • Oh well. I just deleted the automatically saved title of the citation in Zotero directly and rewrote it and now the hyphens are gone! Weird, but solved.
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