Can't edit

I'm not able to edit or save new versions of any styles, using the Mac Standalone version 5.0.33. When I hit "Edit Style" there is no information in any of the fields. If I click on a field, I get the following message:
Error parsing style:
Error: File is not valid XML

I've tried resetting files and there is no change.
Formatting of styles still works via the plug-in for Microsoft Word.

Any suggestions?
  • "Edit Style" isn't an option in Zotero, so I'm not sure what you're referring to.
  • These threads are incredibly puzzling. This is pretty much word-for-word what cjtenove said on an older thread. And dstillman, it's pretty clear that the user is talking about "Style Editor" button. That's what I'm talking about, anyway. I'm having the same issue -- can't edit any styles, all the style editor says is nothing in the edit box and "Error parsing style:
    Error: File is not valid XML" in the preview box. Help?
  • It may be clear to you if you're having the same problem. It wasn't at all clear to me without context that "Edit Style" — which sounds like it's referring to editing a specific style — was referring to opening the styles editor in general. It's incredibly important that people use the exact words they see on-screen during troubleshooting.

    In any case, if you're seeing this for the Style Editor, have you installed any custom styles? Can you provide a Report ID after reproducing this?
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