Edit open url page
I was going to update the openURL page with the following information but it will not let me edit it. Can some one do it or let me know how? I have used both OPENURLs today so I know they work:
Existing Section: 'Great Britain' (Should be renamed 'United Kingdom' as in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Queen's University Belfast: http://resolver.ebscohost.com.queens.ezp1.qub.ac.uk/
New Section: 'Australia'
Australian National University: http://jn8sf5hk5v.search.serialssolutions.com
Existing Section: 'Great Britain' (Should be renamed 'United Kingdom' as in The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Queen's University Belfast: http://resolver.ebscohost.com.queens.ezp1.qub.ac.uk/
New Section: 'Australia'
Australian National University: http://jn8sf5hk5v.search.serialssolutions.com
bwiernikYou can request access to edit the wiki (there has been a big problem with spam, which is why you have to ask first). But I made these changes for you.
NathanEmmerichThat is great, thanks!