Rename Supporting Info pdf Files

I really like the option to rename pdf files using meta data. Usually this is applied to applied to the pdf of the main article.
Frequently I have the situation that I store additional pdfs, which include supporting info material in the same data set.
It would be nice to rename these files to something meaningful.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
If I just rename the real file in the database folder I run into problems because Zotero shows me the old file name but can not find it anymore (because I renamed it).
Any ideas how to proceed in such as a case would be appreciated.
  • I now found a solution to do that.
    I installed Zotfile and use a modified name rule: SI_{%a_}{%y_}{%t}
    to add "SI_" as a prefix to the standard file name for supporting info pdfs.
  • You can also manually rename filenames by clicking on the bolded filename on the right.
  • OMG so easy!
    That is exactly what I was looking for.
    Was that always possible?
  • Thanks a lot! You really made my day.
    That annoyed me for years.
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