Help! a whole folder disappeared while I was working

I didn't delete anything before it happened (and the folder, containing many files, is not in the trash or anywhere in the library).
I was adding a new item to that folder (and adding it a note) just before it happened and . When finished, i got back to the library and discovered that the whole folder (containing more than fifty files) had vanished...
Is there a way to restore the missing files ?
(i'm a a new user of Zotero - since last week) and did not backup anything)
Many thanks in advance for your help!

The last synchronization (at the moment i figured out the files has disappeared) occured 7 minutes before. Being so stessed a the time, i inadvertently pressed on the Sync. button (and thus maybe ruined the chance of accessing to the library via the Internet)
  • You likely just pressed Backspace or Delete with the collection selected by mistake and then clicked or pressed Enter through the warning prompt.

    You should be able to restore it from the last automatic backup.
  • Thank you for your prompt reply!
    A few more questions:
    1. What should i do to prevent such an unintended deletion of files in the future?
    2. What is your advice for a regular and frequent backup ?
    2. Is the export library option is equivalent for a backup ? when and how often should it be used ?
    4. I have Zotero 5 but could not find the Zotero registry by C:\Users\galits\Zotero
    I get a message that Windows can't find it.
    5. How do a get to the "advanced preferences"? i don't see any "action button".

    Thanks again for you generous help.

  • 2. -- just use an automated back-up tool for your entire harddisk, including Zotero.
    3. No.
    4. Try from the preferences (see. 5.)
    5. Preferences are under "Edit"
  • It was very helpful.
    A big thank you!
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