Zotero Taking Over .bib Files from TeXworks

I write with both LaTeX and MS Word. I've been using Zotero for a couple of years now for my Word work, and I have found it to be very helpful. However (!), about a day ago, for no apparent reason, my .bib files mysteriously switched their default opening program from TeXworks (my usual front-end when working with LaTeX) to Zotero. The result was that when I clicked on a .bib file, Zotero would open and ask if I would like to create a .bib output file. This is clearly not something I want to have to do every time I make a small update to a .bib file, which I often do when I am working on a LaTeX document.

In order to solve this problem I had to uninstall Zotero and then change the default for my .bib files back to TeXworks. (Right-click on the file name; select Properties; click on "Change" under "Opens With"; search for texworks.exe which is deeply buried in the directory structure of your LaTeX implementation; select it when your system finally finds it; Windows will change all of your .bib files back to the correct default.)

Does anyone know whether this is a bug in Zotero, or whether it was intentionally upgraded to take over .bib files in this way? Or is there something that I am simply missing here (always possible!).

I can understand why someone might choose to have Zotero as their default program for .bib files, since you can update your database in Zotero and then output .bib files. But not everyone (including me) necessarily wants to work this way. Like many people, I do a lot of work in LaTeX and I need to be able to update my .bib files directly. So if this was not merely a bug it was, IMHO, a mistake that should be corrected. Sure, let it be an option for a user to set their .bib files to open in Zotero; but it should not be done automatically without the user's direction.

I hope this gets sorted out, since I can't re-install Zotero until I know how to prevent it from again automatically switching the default on all of my .bib files.

  • Nothing has changed about this in many years. Zotero associates itself with .bib files on install, and if you don't want that you can change it back to something else. There shouldn't be any need to uninstall anything.
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