Can't save website (yet another)

I see a few threads with this issue. None seem to nail this for me.

Some websites save without problem. Others don't. In those cases Zotero seems to fail silently. The websites that don't save seem to have this in common: the icon in the Chrome "toolbar" (probably not what it's really called) is gray.

All of the following methods of saving fail:
clicking on the icon in the "toolbar", right-clicking on the page and selecting "Web page with snapshot", and right-clicking and selecting "Web page without snapshot"

Here's one that I can't save:
  • do you have Zotero open when you're trying this? This shouldn't be an issue but for this sort of webpages you do need to have Zotero running. You can't save them to the server directly.
  • Yes, Zotero is open. Many websites present an icon in the "toolbar" that has some color. Those save to Zotero, and I can see them in the UI.
  • Ok, evidently the secret in my case is to restart Chrome *twice*. After one restart, there was no change. After a second restart, the website saves. The icon is still gray, but the website saves.

    Sorry for the noise.
  • Great -- the grey icon is on purpose. It signals that Zotero can't find any systematic metadata and will just import the title, accessed date, and Snapshot.
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