slow loading articles
any idea why clicking on articles in Zotero loads some of them extremely slowly (and much slower than loading the URL directly). Error seems to suggest that Z is scanning through emplty fields for some reason
Report ID 496135120
Report ID 496135120
the browser typically says "resolving host: while trying to load, and the error message from Zotero seems to indicate that it is having trouble trying to read fields in the article record.
fairly frequently (1 in 10?) the article fails to load altogether from the Zotero location
I wonder if there is a way in the settings to have Zotero load the web URL rather than the snapshot?
But that snapshot also loads perfectly fine for me. If that's consistently not working for you, I'd guess that the actual problem here is some sort of browser extension, security software, or network setup that's interfering with either the saving or the loading. One easy thing to try is using Show File and then opening the snapshot in another browser.
Chrome browser, Windows 7 32-bit. Chrome status line says:
Waiting for ...
Waiting for ...
I don't use Yahoo for anything, and it's not my default search engine in either my browser or Zotero.