Cannot manage to show full citation in OpenOffice after importing from Scrivener with RTF/ODT

I have set Zotero to export in Scannable cite, import citations to scrivener using drag and drop in the footnote fields. I then compile to odt and go through the scanning routine using RTF/ODF scan.
The new document with my scanned citations seems to work fine but the format of the citations (even chicago manual of style 17th ed.) full leaves me with a short citation.
Ex: (Franz and Blumer 2008:p.252) instead of the whole book description with title and so on. I guess I'm missing on something,
thank you for your help
  • That would be controlled by the citation style. What you are showing is the correct format for Chicago (author-date). If you want a footnote with the full reference, use Chicago (full note) instead. If what you want is the in-text author-date citation and a bibliography list with the full references, then you need to insert a bibliography. Place the cursor where you want the bibliography in your document and click the Add/Edit Bibliography button.

    Additionally, Zotero doesn't support OpenOffice, which is no longer actively developed. You should switch to LibreOffice.
  • This is after doing "Document Preferences" and setting the citation style?

    (Franz and Blumer 2008:p.252) is such an odd format...

    What happens if you then add a citation to the doc using the Libre Office Zotero add-on?
  • Thank you so much for your responses. The problem stemmed from the use of OpenOffice. I switched to LibreOffice and I'm a very happy teddy bear! Literally two days of getting the whole contraption to work...
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