Trying to add URL to a custom bibliography format
Hello again,
I am working on a custom citation field that will add a URL to the end of every citation in a bibliography. The link goes to a record in our institutional repository for the citation. I've tried this:
and then put
at the end of my citation group. (i.e. before the closing of the group tag)
But, the link only shows up for random citations, not all of them. Happy to post the entire code in a gist if that would help.
Thanks as always!
I am working on a custom citation field that will add a URL to the end of every citation in a bibliography. The link goes to a record in our institutional repository for the citation. I've tried this:
<macro name="URL">
<text variable="URL"/>
and then put
<text macro="URL"/>
at the end of my citation group. (i.e. before the closing of the group tag)
But, the link only shows up for random citations, not all of them. Happy to post the entire code in a gist if that would help.
Thanks as always!
adamsmithCheck the "Include URL" checkbox in the Cite/Styles tab of the Zotero preferences.
dtwrublewskiTHANK YOU! I don't know how I missed that!
adamsmithI honestly don't know how you'd have found that. It's a dreadful hard to find and understand function but we're unfortunately somewhat locked into it.
dtwrublewski:) I think what confused me was even though I didn't have it checked, some of my references did show the URL anyway...