improving the ASA (American Sociological Association) Style citation style file


I'm hoping someone here can help correct some of the many mistakes in the American Sociological Association style. This is the most prevalent style used by sociologists, so improving its accuracy will no doubt help many Zotero users.

I have checked all the ASA citations through Zotero against the ASA style guide and made notes below. However, I'm not familiar with editing these .csl files. Is there an experienced coder out there who is willing to help with these changes?

Thanks very much, Charlotte

—————Book Item Types—————

citation style issue: “Volume” field is not incorporated into “book” item type citations.

ASA guidelines (4th edition, page 99):

Gurr, Ted Robert, ed. 1989. Violence in America. Vol. 1, The History of Crime (italics). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Thirsk, Joan, ed. 1984. The Agrarian History of England and Wales. Vol. 5, 1640-1750 (italics). Cambridge, England: Cam­bridge University Press.

suggested fix: add “Volume” number to citation (this field is not in italics). Since Zotero doesn’t have a field for Volume Title, we can ignore this field and at least incorporated the volume number.

—————Year Data Field—————

citation style issue: currently the date field selects only the first year given. ex: if “[1865] 1957” is entered in the “date” field, the citation style prints “1865”

ASA guidelines (4th edition, page 100):

Bernard, Claude. [1865] 1957. An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (italics). Translated by H. C. Greene. Reprint, New York: Dover.

Goldman, Emma. [1914] 1987. 1he Social Signficance of the Modern Drama (italics). Reprint, New York: Applause.

suggested fix: change the date field to allow bracketed dates to be printed in full in the citation. This is most important for books, but could be implemented for all item types.

—————Presentation Item Type—————

citation style issue: currently does not incorporate “place” and “meeting name” fields into citation for presentation item types.

ASA guidelines (4th edition, page 106):

Zerubavel,Eviatar. 1978. "Thee Benedictine Ethic and the Spirit of Scheduling." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations, April 22, Milwaukee, WI.

suggested fix: add "meeting name" followed by a comma and then "place" followed by a period

—————Report Item Type—————

Citation style issue: currently does not incorporate “report type” or “report number” fields into citation for report type items.

ASA guidelines (4th edition, page 104):

Bonczar, Thomas and Allen J. Beck. 1997. Lifetime Like­lihood of Going to State or Federal Prison (italics). Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report. NCJ 160092. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.

General Accounting Office. 1990. Death Penalty Sentencing: Research Indicates Pattern ofRacial Disparities (italics). GGD-90- 57. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office.

Suggested fix: add “report type” period and then “report number” period after the “title” field and before the “place”:”institution” fields

—————Manuscript Item Type—————

Citation style issue: currently does not incorporate “type” or “place” fields into manuscript type item citation

ASA guidelines (4th edition, page 105):

Dickens, William and Kevin Lang. 1985. "Testing Dual Labor Market Theory: A Reconsideration of the Evi­dence." Working Paper No. 1670, National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago, IL.

Sorensen, Aage B. 1983. "Processes of Allocation to Open and Closed Positions in Social Structure." Discussion Paper No. 722-83, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

Suggested fix: add “type” comma “place” period after the “title” field.


The following citation issues have to do with Zotero’s item types and field options rather than the citation style:

Book Reviews (needs to be a new, additional item type)

Translated Books (needs to be a “translator” field in the “book” item type)

Podcasts (no “date” field in this item type)
  • Thanks -- we'll see that we can add these.

    On your end, some notes:

    Don't input original dates as [1848] 1990 in Zotero. Instead, add 1848 in the Extra field like this:
    original-date: 1848

    Not sure if the ASA style will pick that up (though I think I remember it does), but it's the only way that's even technically possible for the citation style.

    Also, the book item type does allow for translators and you can indicate book reviews by specifying a reviewed author for journal articles.

    "Podcast" maps to the same CSL type as Audio Recording so you can probably approximate what you need with that.
  • Thanks very much for such a quick response! Please let me know if there's anything I can do to facilitate the edits.

    Very helpful to know about the original-date in the Extra field. However, I'm still not seeing the fields for translator field in the book item or the reviewed author field in the journal article item.
  • They're both in the dropdown when you click on the "Author" label in front of a name
  • edited May 1, 2018
    Hi @charlloyd

    - Original dates: style will already show it as requested if input in the extra field as outlined by adamsmith.
    - volume: adapted for chapters and added for books
    - Presentation: added. Please test thoroughly. Only did this blind.
    - report: genre and number added. URL removed!
    - manuscript: added (number via call number)

    Right click and save as:
  • Thanks to you all for addressing these issues. I, like Charlotte, would not have known where to begin. In fact, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to save the github coding provided above. HELP!

    I don't routinely use ASA, but I'm a librarian and was demonstrating Zotero to a new Sociology professor. The problem I encountered was with the in-text citation:

    I believe a citation should appear as, for example, Weber (1905) with a space before the parens but Zotero doesn't insert a space. Am I doing something wrong?

  • Default ASA citations will show up as (Weber 1905: 32). To get Weber (1905) you type Weber with a space, and then insert the citation using suppress authors -- that's the same for all author-date styles, not specific to ASA:
  • Thanks. And can you tell me how to save the GITHUB file above?
  • as it says -- right-click --> save as and then install by double-click. We'll have this up with the regular style shortly though
  • @damnation Should number just be number rather than hacking in call number? Users can enter into Extra.
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