The bibliography reference number in word should be connected to the reference in zotero
Zotero makes my life easier but zotero is far from perfect. I just wrote a paper with 138 scientific references and now I want to write a new paper. I want to start by importing the scientific references with number 15-35 from my old word bibliography to my new zotero folder. I think it is unreasonable to expect me to individually add these references again manually to my new folder. I would have preferred if I could import specific references with specific references numbers from my old word bibliography to the new zotero folder. I therefore think is would be much better if each reference in zotero had the same number they have in the bibliography. Not having a unique reference number also makes me nervous. It is extremely easy to put in a reference in the wrong place if you only have a paper title or a author name. It is also harder to identify references. A unique number feels safer. I am actually hopping that Microsoft word 2019 has a greatly improved reference manager. I am not holding my breath though because the reference manager word has today is pathetic. Having a very good reference manager inside Microsoft word would be preferred to an external zotero reference manager because I have had word documents that has become completely useless because someone has edited the bibliography manually. The is clearly not optimal. I therefore think word with an integrated reference manager where the reference links cant be broken would be superior.
The real solutions here are:
1) Don't delete the live version of your paper. Zotero is designed to allow you to copy citations between papers.
2) A future "document collections" feature will create a virtual collection showing the references from an open document and let you copy those to other collections. But again, that will require the original live document.
3) Until that feature exists, maintain a collection for a particular document as you go if you know you'll want to use the same citations again.
I'm not meaning to bicker here; but a backup routine is a good-housekeeping policy with its own benefits, and would give you a simple way to move references from past papers that does not require modifying the software to suit one particular workflow.
As a separate thought, if you want to have key-codes for each reference, perhaps you would be more comfortable writing in LaTeX than in one of the word processors. The Better BibTeX plugin for Zotero will generate stable keys that you can use (and must use) in one of the LaTeX authoring systems.
If you have ever published a scientific paper you know that the editor does what he or she wants regardless of your opinion and that includes deleting field codes and manually edit the bibliography. If you want to publish a scientific paper your only option is unfortunately to obey the editor.
I have old versions of my paper that the editor has not yet edited and where the references are not destroyed but I want to use the references from my published paper. I don't feel comfortable extracting references from an old version.
There has to be a better way that this can be done where people (editors and authors) can collaborate and edit an word document without making the zotero references useless.
In regard to the references unique id. I have a hard time understanding why a references in a bibliography for each paper and each zotero folder can't be associated with a unique number that can be seen by the user? I am NOT saying that every individual reference should have the same number for all papers! I am saying that each zotero folder with references should be directly connected to the specific bibliography in each word document. If the reference number in a specific bibliography is 5 then such reference should also be associated with number 5 in the specific zotero folder. Then I can easily select individually reference and export them to a new zotero folder for a new paper.
Maybe this is not possible because zotero is an external software to word but the fact is that zotero updates the bibliography and the reference numbers in word if I change the order of the references in word. This indicates to me that zotero knows how the bibliography of each word document is structured and the number that is associated to each reference in the document. This means that zotero can extract such bibliography references number if zotero wanted to and display it for each individual folder for each individual reference in zotero.
"I understand you are focusing on your particular workflow and requirements"
I only use my requirements as a starting point but the idea is general. I would not be surprised if other people are having the same problems.
"You might change citation styles, even to a non-numeric one"
Unique folder reference identifiers can be non-numeric. I have never said that only numbers should be allowed.
"What you're describing would just add an astounding level of complexity"
I think we have to agree to disagree regarding this. I actually think complexity and uncertainty would be reduced when users know that each zotero reference folder contains exactly the same bibliography as the word version of each paper.
For me it does not make any sense that users can put a large number of scientific references in a zotero reference folder without any way to identify them individually and export them individually to a new zotero folder.