reinstalled windows 10 lost zotero library

I had to reinstall windows 10, and when it was completed, Zotero was gone, i had to reinstall zotero, but now my library is gone. is there a chance that the files are still on my pc? as i chose to keep my files in the windows 10 installation, and if so how do i import them back into my newly installed zotero?
  • What kind of reinstallation of Windows 10 did you do? If it's a repair, none of your programs should have been affected. If you did a full reinstall, Windows will ask if you want to backup your data and saves that in a Windows.old folder on C drive. Thus, the only way there is no Zotero data would be if you intentionally told Windows not to save it. And that would affect all your programs and data, so I doubt you did that.

    Also, do have sync your Zotero data with the Zotero web server?
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