Zotero does not sync (Error report ID: 135643756)

One of my three Zotero installations fails syncing. Also, it does not retrieve all items from my cloud collection (it has 1695 items instead of 1699 items in my zotero.org cloud). The database-integration check did not report any errors.

Here is a message after a syncing.
"An error occurred during syncing:

Collection JLJ7VLXV not found for item 1/A6YDQ488"

Note that there are no problems on other two zotero installations (one Windows7, one OSX).

Thank you very much in advance.
  • Does this happen after restarting Zotero?

    If so, can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that fails?
  • Yes, it happens after restarting zotero. My debug ID is D781552887.
    Thank you very much.
  • We'll fix this properly in the next version, but try again now.
  • I deeply appreciate you. But currently, the problem still persists (with the same message as above). I am looking forward to the fix.
  • I believe this should be fixed in the latest Zotero beta. You can install that over your existing version, perform the sync, and if it works switch back to the release version.
  • I confirmed that the problem is fixed in the current beta zotero. Thank you very much.
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