Journal abbreviations in Chicago style

Hello, I'm just dipping my toes in Zotero so my question may well sound trivial to the more experienced users.

I'm using a modified version of Chicago style that allows me to use the author-date system in footnotes - I found it in a previous discussion on here. However, I'd like my bibliography to show journal abbreviations rather than full titles, which is often preferred in my field - although this is probably not prescribed by "pure" Chicago style?

When adding journal articles to my library, I always fill in the "journal abbreviation" field with the most commonly accepted abbreviation for that journal - for example, "JRS" if my article is from the Journal of Roman Studies. However, in my bibliography the journal will always appear as "Journal of Roman Studies". Is there any way to prompt Zotero to use the abbreviated title in bibliographies rather than the full one, irrespective of the fact I'm using an apparently full-title-requiring style?
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