Where do I find the groupid ?

I have just created a new test_private private group library and I'm searching for the groupid of this new group ...
Without success
Sorry for such (I'm sure it is) obvious question

  • If you go to the group page on Zotero.org, the string of numbers in the URL before the group name is the Group ID. For example:


    1451247 is the group ID.

    The readable name doesn't actually matter at all for the URL--it is just there to make the URL more readable for people. https://www.zotero.org/groups/1451247 goes to the same place
  • Thanks for the quick answer !
  • edited March 23, 2018
    Out of curiosity, why do you want the groupID? It shouldn't really ever be necessary to do anything with that manually. (Even if you need it for use in the API, it should be extracted automatically using a /users/:userID:/groups API request.)
  • It is for the api. I'm writing a manual for a script. Most of the script commands need the groupid being set, and I decide to have this set in a property file.

    One of the command is used to diplay all the groupids for a given userid. And for this listing, the groupid can be left empty in the property file, but I was looking for a way not using an api call to get this groupid.

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