Adapting bookmarklet?
Is it possible to amend the script in the bookmarlet ( to always place records into a specific folder, e.g. Inbox?
This would be very useful so that I know to check that folder later for newly-added records and edit, add tags, etc.
This would be very useful so that I know to check that folder later for newly-added records and edit, add tags, etc.
Added in the last month AND not in any collection
I cannot see how to use advanced search to find items *not* in any collection - it looks like I have to specify "is not" for every single collection. There must be a shorter way?
Another, even easier option, would be to use the Unfiled Items special collection at the bottom of the left and sort by the Date Added column.
@dstillman A while back you mentioned it might be possible to add "Unfiled Items" and "Duplicate items" as collections in Advanced Search. I understand that there might be performance consequences for Duplicate Items, but would Unflied Items have similar impacts?
Thanks @bwiernik .