Own Citation Style


i am a medical student from germany and i use Zotero for my dissertation. My university requests a special citation style in the bibliography that have to look like this:

Citations: [1-4]

a) Journals:
Koch, P.J., M.J. Walsh, M. Schmelz, M.D. Goldschmidt, R. Zimbelmann, W.W. Franke: Identification of desmoglein, a constitutive desmosomal glycoprotein, as a member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 53. 1-12 (1990)
Koch PJ, Walsh MJ, Schmelz M, Goldschmidt MD, Zimbelmann R, Franke WW: Identification of desmoglein, a constitutive desmosomal glycoprotein, as a member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 53. 1-12 (1990)

b) Books:
Tartakoff, A.M.: The Secretory and Endocytic Paths. Mechanism and specificity of vesicular traffic in the cell cytoplasm. pp. 7-39. John Wiley & Sons. New York 1987.
Lucocq, J.M., J. Roth: Colloidal gold and colloidal silver-metallic markers for light microscopical histochemistry.
In: G.R. Builock, P. Petrusz (eds.): Techniques in Immunocytochemistry. Vol. 3. pp. 203-236. Academic Press London 1985.

It would be great if someone knew a similar citation style or helped me out to create this style.

Thank you in advance!!
  • I'd need the two example citations formatted to your required format in-text and in the bibliography as explained here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/wiki/Requesting-Styles

    Also a link to the style guidelines and the exact name of the University/dept/Fachrichtung as necessary.
  • okay!

    the in-text citation have to be consecutively numbered:

    and the bibliography for the two example citations like this with double line spacing between the citations:

    Campbell JL, Pedersen OK: The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp. Polit. Stud. 40. 307-332 (2007)

    Mares I.: Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? pp. 184-213. Oxford University Press. New York. 2001.

    The link to the style guidelines but there is only one in german: http://www.med.uni-magdeburg.de/unimagdeburg_mm/Downloads/Zentrale+Einrichtungen/Dekanat/Informationen+für+Promovenden/(Dr_+med_)Hinweise+der+Promotionskommission+zur+Gestaltung+einer+Dissertation+zum+Dr+med+-p-20630.pdf

    I am studying at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität in Magdeburg, Germany and my dissertation is at the field of pathology.

  • Great. I'll have a look at it over the next 2 weeks or so. Luckily I speak german. ;)

    Keep an eye on this thread as I'll post a first draft of the style for your review.
  • Ah a happy coincidence!:)

    I‘m looking forward to check it out!

  • @maxuni
    According to their guidelines this is not a numeric style, but an author date style.
    Zitierweise (Literaturangaben im Text):
    1. Autoren in Klammern mit Jahreszahl (ohne Vornamen)
    z.B.: (Walsh 1994a, Walsh 1994b, Franke 1993).
    Alternativ: Nummer des Literaturverzeichnisses (arabische Zahl in Klammern)
    2. Bei mehr als zwei Autoren: Name und et al.
    z.B.: (Walsh et al. 1994)

    Can you confirm that?
  • Wobei das doch die Alternative ("Alternativ: Nummer des Literaturverzeichnisses (arabische Zahl in Klammern)") gleich anbietet, also wohl beides erlaubt. "In Klammer" hätte ich allerdings als (1-4) interpretiert, nicht [1-4[
  • I'd like to know how to create my own style. I read that you make all the styles, right? Is it possible make it for me? In the congress homepage there's the template in doc to help you (https://eventos.abcm.org.br/encit2018/about/templates/).
    Thank you
  • >I'd like to know how to create my own style.
    Here is a starter:

    >In the congress homepage there's the template in doc to help you (https://eventos.abcm.org.br/encit2018/about/templates/).
    I don't understand what the 17th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering has to do with a german medical university?

  • @damnation at first sorry for my late answer, i've been on holiday.

    It is like adamsmith said, both is possible! And for me the numeric style is more clear.

    (elektronische Dissertation -> elektronische Referenz -> Dokument)
    -> this is a link to several dissertations from last year and you will see that they all are slightly different. So a standardized citation style would be a great step forward!

  • @damnation is there anything i can support you with?

    I'm looking forward to hear from you!

    Thank you in advance!
  • AWESOME!!!
    Thank you so much!:)
  • Hey thank you for creating this Magdeburg style! I know its quite picky but is it possible to change three things in this style?

    This is, for instance, what turns out in my bibliography "Respondek G. et al.: Neudefinition atypischer Parkinson-Syndrome.: Aktuelle Neurol. 44. 82–88 (2017)"

    But it should also include all the other authors instead of "et al."

    Also is it possible to remove the colon ":" between the name of the paper and the journal it is published in?

    So more like this: Koch, P.J., M.J. Walsh, M. Schmelz, M.D. Goldschmidt, R. Zimbelmann, W.W. Franke: Identification of desmoglein, a constitutive desmosomal glycoprotein, as a member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 53. 1-12 (1990)

    and last but not least for books, there turns out something like this: "Masuhr K.F. et al.: Neurologie. 7., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Stuttgart. Thieme 2013."

    could you switch the position of the publishers house and the place where its published? and also include all the names of the authors?

    So it looks more like this:
    Tartakoff, A.M.: The Secretory and Endocytic Paths. Mechanism and specificity of vesicular traffic in the cell cytoplasm. pp. 7-39. John Wiley & Sons. New York 1987.

    That would be awesome!
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