natbib issues with LaTeX?

edited March 21, 2018
I am trying to import citations to natbib and call them using the 'citep'' command in LaTeX. I have the Better Bib(La)Tex add-on for zotero. I export citations into a bib file but no matter what I do, the LaTeX document says that there were undefined citations. Even stranger, when I start to write the \cite command in TeXmaker, the citation keys are updated just fine and it even suggests them, but when compiling the code, I always have problems with undefined references. I've tried not using natbib and simply using the \cite command, I've tried using the \citep command with natbib.

The document I'm trying to cite on is the REVTeK 4.1 aip guide.

Does anyone know how to get natbib and zotero to work together? Is there some specific format that I need to import in? I have tried BibTex, Better BibLaTEX, BibLaTex, and Better BibTex and am at my wits end.

Thank you!
  • This is almost certainly not a zotero issue:

    The "There were undefined references" warning in LaTeX tends to be from insufficient compilation. I like 'rubber' and similar tools that will compile until references are satisfies. A manual compilation cycle that is likely to work is to run (pdf)latex then bibtex then (pdf)latex two more times before previewing your document. In TeXMaker, this is F6+F11+F6+F6+F7.

    Note that this toolchain also assumes the use of the BibTeX file format, not BibLaTeX. You should use either the "Better BibTeX" or Zotero's stock "BibTeX".
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