How to accommodate journal custom style: 1) no em dashes, 2) translated titles

In Chicago,

1. Is it possible to suppress em dashes in the bibliography for multiple citations by the same author?

2. Is there a way to add translated titles in brackets w/o creating new entries?

Specifically, the journal asks for:

Oguma, Eiji. A Genealogy of ‘Japanese’ Self-Images. Translated by David Askew. Japanese Society Series. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2002.
Oguma Eiji. “Minshu” to “aikoku”: Sengo Nihon no nashonarizumu to kōkyōsei ["The people" and "patriotism": Nationalism and publicness in postwar Japan]. Shin’yōsha, 2002.

Instead of:

Oguma, Eiji. A Genealogy of ‘Japanese’ Self-Images. Translated by David Askew. Japanese Society Series. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press, 2002.
———. “Minshu” to “aikoku”: Sengo Nihon no nashonarizumu to kōkyōsei. Shin’yōsha, 2002.

Is there a way to do this without unlinking the citations and manually editing them?

More troublesome is that the translation of the title would only be in the bibliography and not in the footnotes....
  • Yes, this is easy to accomplish by selecting a different citation style. Go through to find a style that looks like what you need.
  • @mark, thank you for the recommendation. I should have mentioned that I have, in fact, looked through the styles and have found nothing that meets these criteria. Perhaps I'm overlooking something.
  • (Nathan: As we're in the lull zone between terms, feel free to drop by for that coffee. We could look at this, might be interesting to tweak Juris-M to handle it.)
  • @fbennett, thank you for the offer. I'll email you offline.
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