Problems Mendeley-SharePoint

Hi All,

Together with some colleagues, I am using Sharepoint to work simultaneously on the same Word file. We have started using Mendeley to manage our references, but we are experiencing some issues.
Every time any of us inserts a new reference in the text, Mendeley automatically refreshes all the references inserted previously. This creates constantly a risk of conflict when more than one person are working simultaneously on the file.

Has anyone used Mendeley on SharePoint? Have you experienced the same problem? Do you know any way to avoid it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
  • You seem to be in the wrong place. This is the Zotero support forum -- while you absolutely should use Zotero instead of Mendeley, we cannot help you unless you do. Mendeley has their own support channels.
  • (Looks like the Mendeley support forum has completely been refurbished.)
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