hebrew dats

In Israel books have sometime hebrew dats as its publishing date. These dats are alfabetical not numeric.
But Zotero reads the date field as numerical and if I insert charecters - it shows 0000.'

Can it be fixed ?

  • Can you provide some examples?
  • sure, but in Hebrew.. :-)

    this book

    was printed in תשנה
    (i.e. 1995)
    if I use 'save to zotero' option the date field (תאריך) is left empty and so will the citation:
    1. שחר, ש.‬. קבוצות שוליים בימי הבינים ‬. 103(משרד הבטחון: תל-אביב,).

    if I set the field myself wuth the Hebrew date the field in the middle window would read 0000 and the cithation will be left without a date
    1. שחר, ש.‬. קבוצות שוליים בימי הבינים ‬. 103(משרד הבטחון: תל-אביב,).

    seems that this field dosen't like alphabetical charcters...

  • It certainly won't parse them, but see this thread for a recent discussion on this issue and possible plans to at least allow proper citing of otherwise unparsed dates.
  • thank you !
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