Zotero 5.0.37 not ask me the internet registration

I installed Zotero 5.0.37 and it does not ask me for the internet registration where I put the user name and password in order to have items added by a standard identifier such as the DOI or the ISBN. What I can do?
  • What do you mean by "Internet Registration"? Using add by identifier doesn't require any login. Are you referring to a proxy server?
  • Yes, sorry, proxy server...
  • If you have a proxy enabled in your system proxy settings and it requires a username and password, Zotero should prompt you for the credentials at startup.

    If that's not happening, check your system proxy settings to make sure the proxy is configured there (and not, say, in another program that you're using).

    If you're still having trouble after that, go to Help -> Debug Output Logging -> "Restart with Logging Enabled…", generate debug output for Zotero startup, and either submit the output and provide a Debug ID (which you probably won't be able to do) or save it to a text file and email it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread.
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