Replacing PDFs with file links

I have just imported my 3000+ reference library to Zotero from Endnote. Many of my items have pdf:s that I would like to be able to access through Zotero whether I work on my computer at home or my computer at work. As I understand it, the only way to do this is to have the pdf:s stored on, e.g. Dropbox and then have a link to the files in Zotero (instead of the actual file). Is that correct? If so, is there a way for me to replace all pdf's with file links in a quicker more convenient way than going in to each item and do it 'by hand'?
Thanks for your help with this! /Lisa
  • While you _can_ do this with links and Dropbox, the standard way of doing this would be to leave them attached the way they imported and sync them through Zotero. Given the size of your library, you'd likely have to pay for file storage, though. The upside would be that you'd have access to files everywhere, including online on the Zotero website and when sharing them in groups.

    If you do want to work with links and Dropbox, the ZotFile tool offers an easy & quick way to convert attached files to links in a location of your choosing.
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