Wrong metadata from Retrieve Metadata for PDF
Using in Win10, I get wrong metadata from a pdf, repeatedly. I dragged a pdf from Windows Explorer to the collection label (currently displayed collection) in the left pane, and then right-clicked it and selected Retrieve Metadata for PDF. This created a parent for the pdf, with Google Scholar metadata for a different article which I had imported about a month ago. I tried this again, and got the same result. (The pdf is from here: https://www.healtheffects.org/system/files/GBD-MAPS-SpecRep21-India-revised_0.pdf but the retrieved metadata corresponds to this: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231013001386
(I assume this has nothing to do with the beta PDF recognizer, since I only use normal automatic updates of current release)
(I assume this has nothing to do with the beta PDF recognizer, since I only use normal automatic updates of current release)
There were always occasional false positives, so this isn't something fundamental going wrong.