Displaying URL and accessed date information of "Web Page" bibliography type

Dear all,

For an entry of type "Web Page" captured with Zotero Chrome connector, e.g.,

title = {Zotero {\textbar} {Your} personal research assistant},
url = {https://www.zotero.org/},
urldate = {2018-03-06TZ},
author = {zotero},
year = {2018}

And using the following latex file for testing:

\title{Your Paper}
This is a citation~\cite{zotero_zotero_2018}.

We produce the following different bibliography results with three different methods:

Method A: Using Zotero Word integration (on Mac), the produced bibliography item is:

[1] zotero, "Zotero | Your personal research assistant," 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.zotero.org/. [Accessed: 06-Mar-2018].

Method B: if we run Latex/Bibtex directly (on overleaf), the produced bibliography item is:

[1] zotero, "Zotero | Your personal research assistant," 2018.

Method C: If we use pandoc to convert the Latex file to docx using command "pandoc temp.tex --bibliography=Zotero.bib -o temp.docx", the produced bibliography item is:

zotero. 2018. "Zotero Your Personal Research Assistant." https://www.zotero.org/.

Method B does not show the URL and the access date, Method C does not display the accessed date. Does anyone know how we can also display the URL and the accessed date information together in the case of Method B and C, as in the case of Method A?


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