Massive URL import


I have 3000 references from ADS NASA database that I would like to import in Zotero. For now they are all in a big bibtex file but they don’t comply with UTF-8. That’s why I would like to reimport them.
I have the URL for each reference. The manual browser import works perfectly. Is there a way to give zotero the 3000 URLs or do I have to import each of them manually with the web translator ?

  • no, sorry, not with Zotero.
    Might be possible to do with the ADS API?
  • Well you could do that with the Zotero Translation Server , which you would have to set-up at some server.
  • Thanks a lot for your answers.

    I am using the ADS API to fetch some information from their database but it seems that I can not access all the reference data that is rendered on their webpage. In particular the rendering of the abstract note is richer on the browser than anything I can fetch using the API. The type of each reference (journal, conference, book...) is also not given by the API (only by downloading the bibtex version, a bit convoluted). The best result would be obtained by translating their web page which is exactly what the zotero translater does.

    As for you suggestion zuphilip, I do not have root access to a server. Can it be setup by a simple user ?
  • resource type and abstract are present in the RIS export which I think you can get via the Export API: even though it's not specified as an option -- it's used for the RIS export on the website (otherwise use "Endnote", which Zotero can also import).

    That's actually much closer to what Zotero does -- we don't technically query the API, but we use the website to get the RIS; we don't scrape from the page. ADS.js#L56

    You'll note that the only thing we get from the website is the PDF link.
  • Very useful ! Thanks a lot.
    Now that I know how you get the info, I will do exactly the same.
    For some reason, the RIS you get (actually you fetch data_type=REFMAN) is not exactly the same as the RIS export ADS provides. With REFMAN the Solar Mass is {M}⊙ as with their RIS it is {M}&sun;
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