Style Request: Changing order of editors/ translators and booktitle

Dear Zotero-Community,

I'm currently working at another citation style for a German journal.
Unfortunately, I can't change two aspects/ variables:

I would like to change the German "Hrsg." to "Hg."

Also, i would like to change the following, which currently looks like this:

"In: Hall, Peter A./Soskice, David (Hrsg.): In: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage . . ."

when it should look like this:

"In: Hall, Peter A./Soskice, David (Hrsg.): Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage . . ."

In case there are no editors, translators or others it should look like this:

"In: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage . . ."

I already tried combining other citations styles, but results were less satisfying than the current version is; so you're once again my last remaining chance.

You may find the current code here:

Thanks a lot in advance and a great, successful day to you all.

Best regards
  • 1.
    Add as line 32ff.
    <term name="editor" form="short">

    2. The in is set in line 38 _and_ in the prefix in line 39 _and_ in the prefix in line 299.
    You'll want to deleted the latter two (i.e. delete prefix="In: ") and fix line 38 to
    <text term="in" suffix=": " text-case="capitalize-first"/>

  • Dear adamsmith,

    thanks a lot for your fast response as always!!!
    That already helped a lot!

    Now I'm just stuck with a missing "In: " for all journals, newspapers etc., which is why I added those two prefixes.

    Do you happen to have an idea how to fix that, too?

    Sorry, for yet another request!

    Thanks in advance and best regards
  • Remove lines 36+37 and 43+44 (in the style posted above, the numbering will have changed), i.e. choose/if ... if/choose
  • Dear adamsmith,

    so sorry, but the "In: " in front of journal-names, book-titles, newspapers etc. is still not showing . . .
    Any other ideas? If not, than I have to figure something out to bypass the whole problem . . .

    Thanks for you continuing efforts
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