Problems downloading PDFs from ScienceDirect

For some weeks, I am having problems downloading references from Elsevier ScienceDirect:

1. Click on “Save to Zotero (Science Direct)” and the record is created, but the PDF is not downloaded
2. In ScienceDirect I open manually the PDF document (in Firefox)
3. Then, if I try to save the PDF to Zotero (“Save to Zotero (PDF)”), it returns an error

The only way is to save the PDF to my PC and Drag-and-drop in Zotero.

The Debug ID is D851020991

Windows 10; Firefox 58.0.2 (64 bits); Zotero

The same problem from my Institute or at home through Proxy
  • We would need a Debug ID from Zotero for this, not from the connector.
  • The same problem from my Institute or at home through Proxy
    @warguelles I have this problem due to incorrect SSL certificate with a proxy (typically certificate is for * but proxied page looks like Unfortunately, the problem is not on the Zotero side, it has to be solved on the proxy provider side. Maybe you are in the same situation.
    You can try to activate "Automatically convert hyphens to dots in proxied hostnames" in the proxy settings.
  • @LiborA: That's not the issue here.
  • @dstillman
    When I click on “Save to Zotero (Science Direct)” and the record is created, but the PDF is not downloaded:
    Debug ID D2113204181

    and this other is when I try to save the PDF to Zotero (“Save to Zotero (PDF)”), and it returns an error message:
    Debug ID D980409383

    Thank you!

  • Did it used to work fine before with this proxy?
  • @adomasven Yes, it usually worked fine. Please, take into account that the problem persists even from my office, connected without proxy
  • I can download the PDF separately -- i.e. 3. works for me -- but I am not currently getting PDFs from ScienceDirect, either.
    @adomasven -- do you have that working on your end? E.g. Open Access article here:
  • I have the same problem! This translator worked well before, but now in some pages the PDFs are not detected.
  • How about when you open the PDF and then just import that into Zotero using the Save to Zotero button. Does that work? It doesn't for the original poster, but does for me, so let's make sure we're understanding what's not working exactly in each case.
  • @adamsmith Now, this option is working for me as well ("Save to Zotero(PDF)" button).

    The normal way (to import the metadata and PDF using the "Save to Zotero (ScienceDirect)") does not work yet.
  • I encountered this problem too, is there any advances to solve it?
  • Since this isn't a general problem, we'd need details of what you're seeing (which URL, what's happening).
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