Full text PDF Indexing: What's the impact of storage solution?

I have Zotfile installed and I am now considering moving my PDF files from Zotero storage to a Dropbox folder that is synchronized across my two PCs - therefore using the linked files solution. Of course, my Zotero database will remain stored outside of Dropbox.

My question is the following: does the syncing solution affect Zotero's ability to read PDFs that are indexed? I am told that Zotero has the ability to search through the text of the PDF files. Would using linked files (and Zotfile) instead of Zotero native storage solution negatively impact the search capacity of Zotero? Thank you.
  • No, Zotero can still index linked PDFs, and the full-text index does not count against any Zotero storage quota.
  • Thanks. I am still trying to decide between Zotero storage and Zotfile-Dropbox.

    Where could I find a good overview of the pros and cons of both options?


  • I think, exist only one pros and cons of these two possibilities:

    Zotero: pros - no problems; cons - you have to pay little money per year
    Zotfile+Dropbox: pros - no money; cons - you have to set up it for work
  • You also currently don't get to keep your own folder structure within Zotero storage; I don't think people *should* care about this, but it's not unusual for users to want to keep human-readable folders for file storage and then ZotFile+Dropbox is the best/only options.
  • I am curious, are most heavy Zotero users on board with Zotero storage?

    Currently, most of my PDFs are located outside of Zotero - they are neither stored within Zotero nor linked to it. Now I want to start using Zotero more than before - really, to manage my library, notes, etc. with it and to be able to search through PDFs. So I guess I am trying to find the better, long-term approach.
  • There are heavy users using both models, but I'm pretty sure most power users use Zotero storage, yes.
  • If you really will use Zotero as the primary tool for managing your library and notes (it is my way), then you do not need human-readable folders for file storage. For example, I really do not know where are the files stored, notes from PDF I always extract to the Zotero (by Zotfile). When I need send some PDF to somebody, I find it in Zotero database, show the file, drag and drop it to the mail client and send it.
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