Works cited after end notes

Zotero REALLY needs to give an option for inserting a works cited or other normally formatted page after end notes. Jerry rigging it might work for a class paper or something, but for actual publication the lack of this feature makes Zotero functionally useless.
  • edited February 25, 2018
    I think, it is not "problem" of Zotero. Zotero only adds to the text of the document formatted citation or bibliography on the position you specify. The MS Word or LibreOffice manage the position of endnotes.
  • edited February 25, 2018
    Yes, but the Zotero plugin evidently blocked the "add page" feature to add a new section page after the endnotes. I had always been able to do this before I got zotero, but even changing the notes to "end of section" would not allow me to insert an additional page afterward. If there is something I'm missing, I'm all ears.
  • It seems like the problem is really connected to the Zotero. I am able to create "end of section" before bibliography but the editing is not possible (Windows10, MS Word 2010). But if I create two "end of section" then the inserting (and editing) of endnotes works OK.
  • But it still formats a works cited after that as if it were end notes as well.

    My workaround ended up being to unlink all citations, save it as a PDF, copy each section individually (body text, end notes and bibliography) and paste them into a new word document, and go through the text and fix the formatting and return issues that inevitably happen when copying and pasting across formats. It was very time-consuming and it seems like it would be a fairly simple fix to include the option to add a bibliography after end notes, since that is typically where one would go anyway. Or ANY other regularly formatted pages, because if I write a book where the end notes are after each individual chapter, I basically can't use zotero because of this and still have it be in the same file.
  • Zotero cannot create an individual bibliography for each chapter.

    But the structure:
    Title of 1 chapter
    text of chapter
    Title of 2 chapter
    text of chapter
    Title of N chapter
    text of chapter

    Works for me.
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