Error Report ID 209644540


First, please accept my wholehearted thanks for Zotero. It is the foundational program for the storage & organization of research for my dissertation. It has proven indispensable to me, and I cannot imagine future researching without it. Thank you--very much indeed!

Zotero just errored out, reporting a long string of error messages that seemed to revolve around snapshots and notes being "too long." It is, as this title suggests, Report ID 209644540. I appreciate you looking into it and will take any recommended action to resolve it.
  • That means you have notes that are too long to sync. Generally that's because you have an embedded image in a note, which can't currently be synced. (When you try to sync such a note, you should get a clearer message to that effect, but it's possible you have another note that's too long for some other reason (e.g., accidentally saving the entire contents of a book to a note), which currently displays a somewhat less clear error.)

    A future version of Zotero will likely support syncing of notes with embedded images, so if you'd like to continue using embedded images in notes, you can stop syncing for now, though various things in Zotero may also slow down while you have those. Otherwise you'll need to remove the images (and any other extremely long notes you have).
  • Hello,

    Is it still the case that images in notes are not synced? Is there any way they could be?

    I prefer to have images in notes rather than attachments because I can just paste them without having to save them somewhere first. Also, they appear in reports.

  • No, no changes here.
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