Style Request: Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking

edited February 15, 2018
I have been trying to edit previous styles to match this without much success. Below is the link to the guide for authors

And here is a free article for examples.

The big problem is the format for websites and books is very different for the format for journals. See example below.

T Jordan, PA Taylor. (2004) Hacktivism and cyberwars: Rebels with a cause? New York: Routledge.

RB Cialdini. Crafting normative messages to protect the environment. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2003; 12:105–109.

Does anyone have an idea of how to assist with this? Any help would be much appreciated.
  • @mchugh.bridget what exactly you need? If you need help with style editing then be more specific about your needs. If ask devs for create style for this journal then follow instructions in the link posted by adamsmith.
  • @LiborA I think I'd like to request a style, since I've been trying to edit existing styles without much success. To clarify for requesting a style, should I make another thread on Zotero, add to this thread with more information, or request a style on github?
  • this thread is fine, no need for a new one
  • Okay, here is the online style documentation:
    Here is the Online ISSN: 2152-2723

    Here is an example of a reference for a journal from a recent issue.
    MT Whitty, T Buchanan. The Online dating romance scam: a serious crime. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2012; 15:181–183.

    Here is an example of a reference for a book chapter from a recent issue.
    GH Kirwan. (2016) Forensic cyberpsychology. In I Connolly, M Palmer, H Barton, G Kirwan, eds. An introduction to cyberpsychology. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 139–152.

    Also, it may be helpful to have an example of a website reference from a recent issue.

    S.H.I.F.T. Wellness. (2016) Upper-level management (administrator's) guide. (accessed September 29, 2017).

    Below is a paper that should be freely available on their website.

    Please let me know if there's anything else I need to provide to create the style.
  • Thanks -- we'll actually want the exact citations on the requesting styles page, i.e. Mares and Campbell & Petersen, formatted for the style you're requesting, not just any article & chapter. That makes it much easier to find close matches among existing styles
  • Oh, I see. I apologize for the confusion.

    In-text citation:
    1 (in superscript)
    2 (in superscript)

    Journal article:

    J L Campbell, OK Pedersen. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 2007; 40: 307–332.

    Book Chapter:
    I Mares. (2001) Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?. In PA Hall, D Soskice, eds. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 184-213.

    Let me know if you need a website, too.
  • Thanks, that's logged and we'll look at it over the next weeks.
  • edited February 24, 2018

    Now we know why it's not good to open new threads. haha. I had the old link in my log sheet for style requests.

    Style now on the repo:
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