Report ID: 1206412978

'An error has occurred: please restart Zotero'

Been seeing this message quite often. This is a brand new install by the way.
  • When does this occur?
  • When I open Zotero. It usually happens the first time I open Zotero after I just initiated my system (ie: just turned on the PC)
  • If you can reproduce this easily, can you generate debug output for Zotero startup through the error via Help -> Debug Output Logging -> "Restart with Logging Enabled…" and then submit the output and post the Debug ID here?
  • As soon as I see this error again, I'll submit the output debug and share the ID here (btw, I just accidently submitted the debug report with ID D390632425)
  • Just happened and I sent the debug report. The ID is D615381972
  • I don't see any indication of the error in that debug output.

    To be clear, debug output logging has to actually be running when the error occurs. Restarting with logging enabled after the error occurs doesn't give us any information.
  • Oh, since you said to use "Restart with Logging Enabled" I thought I should use that option after I saw the error. Sorry.

    I don't see how I can send you the debug output then. Whenever I see this issue, it is as soon as Zotero loads and I can not reproduce it systematically. This means that the "Restart with Logging Enabled" option is of no use. And the option to 'Enable' debugging is not persistent, which means I can't set it before closing Zotero and expect to have a debug report after I open it again later.

    Unless there's a way to make the 'Enable' debug option persistent...
  • If you can't produce it with a restart, you can try either using the command-line option to enable logging or setting to true in prefs -> Advanced -> Config Editor before closing Zotero each time. (There's also a a terminal logging option, but that's more for development.)
  • Ok, I'll remember to use the command-line option next time I start Zotero. Thanks.
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